He Accuses a Man of Theft

[Collector's Note: The following proclamation got the Emperor Norton, who had previously enjoyed the patronage of the California Appeal's Peter Anderson, banned from that periodical. The issue was libel.]

WHEREAS, a person styling himself Charles R. Peters was at the time of the drawing at the Mercantile Library lottery accused of appropriating the capital prize, which was won by Norton I, and intended by the Emperor for chartitable distribution;
AND WHEREAS, the said Peters is now attempting by misrepresentation and false assertions to induce emigrants to purchase worthless land at a "town" which he calls Newark (but which has neither local habitation nor name outside of the imagination of said Peters);
NOW, THEREFORE, this is to caution all persons against being misled or deceived by the said Peters, and the Grand Jury is hereby instructed to inquire into said matters, and to bring said Peters to trial.

1875, it is possible that this was a forgery, Cf. Drury, pp. 191-192